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【Popular Science Knowledge】Ten Ways to Live a Green and Low Carbon Life

2023/10/29      view:

1、 Pay attention to the ecological environment

Timely understand ecological and environmental policies, regulations, and information, learn and master scientific knowledge and skills in environmental pollution control, biodiversity protection, and climate change response, enhance one's ecological civilization literacy, and firmly establish ecological values.

2、 Saving energy and resources

Reject extravagance and waste, practice the Clean Your Plate Campaign, save water, electricity and gas, select energy-efficient household appliances and water-saving appliances, use one water for multiple purposes, reasonably set the air conditioning temperature, timely turn off the power supply of water saving appliances, take more stairs than elevators, and use paper on both sides.

3、 Practice green consumption

Rational and reasonable consumption, prioritize green and low-carbon products, purchase and use less disposable items, and bring unused items such as shopping bags and water cups when going out for renovation and utilization or exchange donations.

4、 Choosing low-carbon travel

Priority should be given to walking, cycling, or public transportation, and more shared transportation should be used. For household use, priority should be given to choosing new energy vehicles or energy-saving vehicles.

5、 Classify and dispose of garbage

Learn and master the knowledge of garbage classification and recycling, reduce garbage generation, separately dispose of harmful garbage according to the label, classify and dispose of other garbage, and do not litter or litter.

6、 Reduce pollution generation

Do not burn garbage in the open air, burn less scattered coal, use more clean energy, use less chemical detergents, do not dump sewage at will, use fertilizers and pesticides reasonably, do not use ultra-thin agricultural films, and avoid noise interference.

7、 Protecting the natural ecology

Respect nature, comply with nature, protect the ecological environment like protecting the eyes, actively participate in voluntary tree planting, do not purchase or use rare wild animal and plant products, refuse to eat rare wild animals and plants, and do not arbitrarily introduce, discard or release foreign species.

8、 Participate in environmental practices

Actively promote the concept of ecological civilization, strive to become an ecological environment volunteer, start from around, start from daily life, and influence others to participate in ecological environment protection practices.

9、 Participate in environmental supervision

Comply with ecological and environmental laws and regulations, fulfill ecological and environmental protection obligations, actively participate in and supervise ecological and environmental protection work, dissuade, stop or expose behaviors that pollute the environment, damage ecology, and waste food.

10、 Building a Beautiful China Together

Adhere to a simple and moderate, green and low-carbon, civilized and healthy way of life and work, and consciously practice the concept of ecological civilization to jointly build a beautiful home where humans and nature coexist harmoniously.